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Dana Harvie

I started practicing yoga in 2009 after coming to terms with the fact that my life was not going the way 'I' wanted - as I thought it should be!  When things felt like they were falling apart, my amazing friends and teachers, Doug Geiger and Linda Setter, convinced me to give yoga a try and I've never looked back!  In fact, yoga has helped me realize that I was never in control!  Having practiced for several years now, I continue to notice changes inside and out, and trust that all is unfolding in God's perfect timing!  If what I focus on grows (and it does!), my job is to surrender to what is in every moment, giving permission for healing and happiness, and staying open & faithful to the flow of Life!  


As I show up on my mat, there's a stillness that cannot be shaken by whatever seems to be happening on the outside.  Peace permeates as I relax and let everything be just as it is, and gratitude dawns as I give permission for my body and mind to release whatever is not necessary to their perfect functioning.  I'm thrilled to be able to share this gift with EVERYONE so that we can ALL bask in the miracles! 


In 2009, I took a yoga teacher training workshop with Kathleen Podiluk here in Saskatoon, which really piqued my curiosity.  In 2012, I traveled to Santa Barbara, California to study with world-renowned teachers Ganga White and Tracey Rich of the White Lotus Foundation, where I earned my 200 hour teacher training certification, and I have been teaching ever since!  In 2015, I attended a supremely enriching week-long yoga retreat at the fantastic Feathered Pipe Ranch in Helena, Montana with Erich Schiffmann, another world-renowned yoga master, whose guidance renewed my vow to spread this beautiful teaching as widely as possible!  And in 2017, I attended another inspiring retreat there hosted by Dr. Baxter Bell and Melina Meza.​  I am so grateful to each and every one of You!


In 2019, I immersed myself in the study of Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, which entirely compliments yoga and meditation, and offers a one-to-one approach promoting healing.  In December of that year, I received my attunement through Anna Twinney, a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master at the Reach Out Ranch in Elizabeth, Colorado.  


The wonderful places I have taught in Saskatoon include SaskAbilities, International Women of Saskatoon, Calder Centre, St. Mark's Hall, First Mennonite Church, Queen's House of Retreats, John Lake School, Preston Park I, Luther Riverside Terrace, Bethany Manor, Village at Crossmount, Buena Vista Park and Wiggins Park.  


My partner Ron and I also perform healing music for folks in the community and feel blessed to share our talents with others!  Check the "Music!" menu tab for info.  



~  Follow your bliss  ~

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