Just As You Are Yoga, Music & Energy Healing
JAYA - means 'Victorious' in Sanskrit
My Yoga Teachers
I encourage everyone to seek the guidance of these amazing Teachers.
Their Love & commitment has impacted me forever.
Thank You, God!
Doug Geiger & Linda Setter are my angels/friends/teachers who've helped me discover that true Happiness and Peace ARE attainable if one so deeply desires! I will always be grateful for how we connected (through A Course in Miracles - when the student is ready, the teachers appear!:-)), the many years of mentoring, support, guidance, cries and giggles!!! Though they now live seemingly far away, blessing yet another community(!), their spirits continue to live on in my heart, and I'm sure very many others!!! :-)
* If you are looking for a helpful book on the practical steps to true forgiveness, be sure to check out Doug's book, "Mindful Forgiveness - Experiencing the Love Factor." It's a wonderful tool in the process of waking up to our true Nature! Also, check out this news article on what Doug's been up to lately!
Erich Schiffmann is another remarkable teacher & role model whom I've had the great fortune to be with! After hearing about him through Doug and Linda, I read his book and then in July 2015, my partner Ron and I along with Doug & Linda and another beautiful couple we know attended a lovely week-long retreat of his held at the gorgeous Feathered Pipe Ranch near Helena, Montana. Erich's playfulness and relaxed state of being are what drew me in and I was able to really resonate with his teaching: "Yoga is a lifestyle of Self-trust and Supreme BEING!!! Happiness is our Nature!"
* If you're looking for an excellent resource on becoming free of life's negativity through the spirit and practice of yoga, you'll definitely want to check out Erich's book, "Yoga - The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness." Also, take a look at these wonderful videos that he's gifted the world: https://vimeo.com/erichschiffmann
Ganga White and Tracey Rich are two very wise and extraordinary teachers who I was privileged to train under at White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara, CA back in 2012. I learned of them through - you guessed it - Doug and Linda(!), who highly recommended Ganga & Tracy after they, too, completed their training with them. Through this life-transforming 16 days of instruction, wisdom, humour and love, not to mention the most dedicated workers behind the scenes, I will always feel blessed to have been taught by the very best in the world!!!
* If you'd like to be enlightened on the scientific and practical approaches of the ancient tradition of yoga, then check out Ganga's amazing book, "Yoga Beyond Belief - Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice." Ganga & Tracey's website is: www.whitelotus.org. Sign up for their Newsletter and you won't regret it! Beautiful insights, instruction, poetry and recipes!
Linda Setter Doug Geiger
Erich Schiffmann
Tracey Rich Ganga White
Other teachers who I HIGHLY recommend:
- Raj - channeled through Paul Tuttle. ​Please check out the incredible audio files from past ACIM (A Course in Miracles) Study Groups on this website - https://pointofperfection.com/downloads.aspx - as well as other precious content that helps us awaken to the truth of our PRESENCE IN ONE LOVE! You can find his most recent offerings here: https://tgp.discussion.community/
- Mooji - https://mooji.org/
- Papaji
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Ramana Maharshi
- Sadhguru https://isha.sadhguru.org/ca/en
- Osho